Tuesday 11 February 2014

Simon the Sorcerer 2

A sequel to Simon the Sorcerer, this second game in the series gives us more mis-adventures from our teenaged sorcerer (of some sort). Thrown into another dimension by his own wardrobe, Simon starts the heroic mission (of some sort) to find -- another wardrobe that could get him back home. Equipped with his pointy sorcerer's hat (of some sort), he will also rescue the world (again) from the evil Sordid.

The two games in the series are of the most charming low-profile games ever that have captured many an adventurer's heart. It has difficult but fair puzzles, witty dialogues, and inimitable self-effacing humor and charm. A couple of things are new: the word commands (like 'talk to' and 'look at') have been replaced by Icons (a Magnifying Glass and a Mouth), and some scenes can be scrolled now, so make sure you always check the edges of every screen for new locations.

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