Thursday 13 February 2014

Discworld II: Mortality Bytes!

Mortality Bytes casts players again in the role of Rincewind, from the first game. Death, the grim reaper, who normally ushers the Discworld inhabitants into the afterlife, is on an extended vacation. This means that those whose "time is up" are faltering around in limbo. Now it's up to Rincewind to bring him back or suffer the fate of immortality.

In this wonderfully funny sequel to the original, we are treated to another one of the great stories to be found on Terry Pratchett's Discworld. And to our delight, this one is about our favorite character from the original: 'Death'. You see Death is missing. He's decided to "go on holiday" and is sitting on a beach somewhere, sipping those drinks with the cute little umbrellas, because he "likes to travel and meet people"! Unfortunately this has caused all manner of problems in Ankh-Morpork which, of course, had more than its share of problems to begin with, given the melting pot of species who live there and the general low moral tone of the place. But now 'undead' people are piling up in the streets faster than the dead collectors can stack them on the wagons, and they've run out of places to store them. Rincewind (The Wizard) and LuggageSomeone must bring Death back, and fast! Otherwise the people will be faced with "the horrible prospect of immortality", and God knows, "no one wants that, now do they?" Of course, the one they choose for this unpleasant task must be someone easily expendable, just in case Death isn't too happy about being disturbed. And who better than Rincewind, our favorite little sarcastic and cowardly Wizard. Rincewind, however, isn't too keen for the job, since Death has often offered to go ahead and "reap his soul in passing, just to save time"! And so begins again another delightful tale where opportunities abound for the tongue-in-cheek humor and social commentary of the Pratchett novels, along with all the sight gags and atrocious puns. The game would be well worth its price for the introductory song alone: an inspired and hysterical parody of Frank Sinatra's song 'That's Life', called 'That's Death'! This 2D, 3rd person, point and click adventure also features again the many-legged 'Luggage' as your inventory, challenging puzzles (but not as crazy, this time), lots of new locations and characters, and the wonderful return of Monty Python's Eric Idle as the voice of Rincewind. All sequels should be this good!

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