Thursday 13 February 2014

Space Quest V: The Next Mutation

After travelling back and forth through time in the previous game, Roger Wilco is back in the Starfleet Acadamy, serving as both a cadet and a janitor. Cheating his way through the Starfleet Aptitude Test, Roger is finally given the rank of captain, his own ship (a garbage scow) and a mission: to explore strange new worlds (which no man in his right mind would explore), to seek out new life and new civilizations (which grew out of the massive amounts of trash Roger will collect on his way), to boldly go where no man has gone before. Step by step Roger will have to unveil a galaxy-wide biohazardous material dumping scheme, solve the mystery of the disappearance of a fellow Starfleet captain and his ship, and confront an agent of an old nemesis.

In the simplest sense, Space Quest 5 is a gigantic spoof of the 1960s television series, Star Trek. Even the opening scene (and the subtitle) of the game resemble it. Not that that is bad. The plot of Space Quest 5 is much more intriguing and immersive than most new games in all genres. Basically, Roger Wilco, the hero/janitor/all-around great guy of the Space Quest series, has enrolled in StarCon shortly after the events chronicled in Space Quest 4. Unfortunately, the StarCon Academy is very difficult for him, the main reasons being that it requires actual work to complete and the fact that he has gotten on the bad side of the toupee-wearing captain on the station, Captain Quirk. By some extreme luck, he manages to graduate (thanks to his roaming eyes on the final exam and a computer breakdown) and becomes captain of the garbage scow Eureka. With his trigger-happy gunner and green-skinned helm officer, Roger Wilco must survive a homicidal female android set to kill him and solve the mystery of unauthorized trash dumping, which obviously leads him to saving the galaxy.

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