Tuesday 11 February 2014

Ween: The Prophecy

This point and click adventure takes a fantasy setting, in which you play a Wizard deemed to be ‘good’ taking on a less good one. To fulfill the prophecy you have been given in a limited time of 3 days, he must go on 3 quests, solving various puzzles along the way to be rewarded 3 grains of sand, that he must place in a hourglass to kill an evil wizard. Objects around the levels are always detected by the cursor, making each screen and the challenges within quick to comprehend. Generally you have to solve each puzzle in sequence.

The charming zaniness of Coktel's Goblins continues in this game filled with wacky characters and sporting an improved interface. Unfortunately, the puzzles are often too obscure to all but die-hard puzzlers. The plot of the game is up to Coktel's usual wackiness: you are Ween, a hero who must complete three quests and to be rewarded with three grains of sand, which you then must place into a magical hourglass to vanquish the evil wizard Kraal and thereby fulfulling an ancient prophecy. But you only have three days to do it, and a lot of hairy puzzles to solve. Those who have played Coktel's Goblins games will be right at home with this one - except that many puzzles are very convoluted and, having taken place in a fantasy world, not at all clear. Worse, many objects have multiple uses which you must discover by trial-and-error since the game's descriptions are usually vague. To the game's credit, there are often more things to do and more objects to manipulate in one Ween screen than in dozens of screens in other games. The game also branches in two occasions, thus allowing you to solve completely different sets of puzzles. There are also two methods of on-line help: your trusty bat sidekick, and your grandfather's friend Petroy, both of whom provide progressively explicit clues that range from gentle hints to specific directions.

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