Thursday 13 February 2014

3 Skulls of the Toltecs

Fenimore Fillmore happens to rescue an old peddler being attacked by some rustlers, but it is also him who accidentally leads the old man to his death by passing him the hair lotion. Just a few minutes before his death, the peddler revealed that he owned one of three skulls that will unlock the treasure of the Toltecs. Fenimore takes hold of the skull, but is then shot by the rustlers and passes out, with the skull going to the hands of the rustlers. When he regains consciousness, he sets out to recover all three and unearth the treasure himself. And of course, beside Fenimore, some other people are also searching for these skulls...

3 Skulls is a very funny spoof of the old Clint Eastwood spaghetti western 'The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly'. They have included so many take-offs on classic westerns (including recognizable voice impersonations) that you'll never be able to think about those movies in quite the same way again. Our hero is Fenimore Fillmore, a young "honest and well-intentioned" (well, sort of) cowpoke in 1866 Arizona. En route to stake a claim and make his fortune, he is about to stop at Big Town to get a drink for his horse and maybe himself, when he accidentally stumbles onto an ambush in progress. And there he learns of a vast undiscovered Toltec treasure that awaits whoever finds the 3 Golden Skulls. But to find that treasure, he must first deal with a corrupt priest and a larcenous soldier, not to mention Harvard educated Apaches, lustful parrots, grossly incompetent bankers, Anti-Alcoholic League women, amnesiac Mexican revolutionary generals, and many, many other hilarious characters. Sidesplitting humor and happy music, with clever puzzles that are appropriate for the storyline and an easy to use point & click interface. The game is very rare in retail, especially in North America where only a few hundred copies exist, but it was later included with the developer's next game involving Fenimore Fillmore called Wanted: A Wild Western Adventure (in Europe it's Fenimore Fillmore: The Westerner).

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