Tuesday 11 February 2014


Loom is a graphical adventure game originally released in 1990. It was both developed and published by Lucasfilm Games (later called LucasArts) and was the fourth game to use the SCUMM adventure game engine. The project was led by Brian Moriarty, a former Infocom employee and author of the classic text adventures Wishbringer (1985), Trinity (1986) and Beyond Zork (1987).

Loom is a strange and beautiful adventure game. The hero is Bobbin Threadbare, a weaver. In the world of Loom, everyone belongs to a guild. Apart from the weavers, there are sheperds, blacksmiths, glass makers. Although you do not know why, you are outcast from the guild and blamed for the lack of prosperity in recent times. After the Council of Elders is attacked and the Elders are turned into swans, you as Bobbin must set forth on a journey to find the swans and try to restore order to the Guild of Weavers. When Bobbin embarks on his quest, he has no inventory (very unusual in an adventure game), he will solve problems not with items, but with "drafts", spells consisting of four notes of music. These drafts can be written down in the beautiful Book of Patterns that is present even in later jewelcase editions. Loom also features three difficultly levels, and differentiates them by changing the way the interface works: Standard features the distaff at the bottom of the screen but notes aren't written, whereas Expert doesn't have the distaff and you have to replay the spells by hearing alone. Loom first came out 1989 on floppies with EGA graphics and a 30-minute audio prologue on tape. 1991 saw a new DOS CD version with VGA graphics and CD music. Thanks to the SCUMMVM engine, it can now be played on a wide variety of platforms.

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